The Anonymous Cannabis Kids: This Is Billy’s Story

Lieze Boshoff | LBC3 Marketing
6 min readMar 29, 2018


If you’ve ever looked into medical cannabis and CBD, you’ve probably almost definitely heard of children like Charlotte Figi, Cooper Wallace and Alfie Dingley.

Kids like Charlotte, Cooper and Alfie have almost become poster kids of sorts for medical cannabis and CBD. Fighting the good fight towards legitimizing and legalizing cannabinoids as an effective and safe treatment option for children.

But here’s the thing. You HAVE heard of them. Either because they had parents who were brave enough to tell their stories. Or parents who were forced to publicly speak out in an attempt to continue treating their children with medical cannabis or full-spectrum CBD.

But there is another group of kids…

Children that no one’s heard of. Kids who are being treated behind closed doors. Kids for whom medical cannabis or full-spectrum CBD is giving them back their lives, but at a great potential cost to them and their families if it was known.

Kids and parents who are silent because they’ve been SILENCED. Silenced by uncaring and often ruthless legal, medical and welfare systems.

Kids like Billy. And parents like Billy’s….


Billy is a bright and loving nine-year-old who, for most of his short life, has been in and out of hospitals.

Despite being treated by some of the world’s best neurologists from some of the world’s top children’s hospitals, Billy has a still undiagnosed neurological disease.

You see, Billy’s nerves don’t work properly and can’t send messages from his brain to his body effectively. This causes his muscles to slowly and painfully deteriorate, causing him extreme weakness in his arms, legs, hands and feet.

Things that are easy for most of us to do is difficult, exhausting and painful for Billy.

Billy has been given cocktails of often toxic prescription medications such as Pregabalin. Drugs with severe and dangerous side-effects. Side-effects such as things like developing tumours, mood disorders, depression, and even suicidal ideation.

It got so bad for Billy that, at one point, this little nine-year-old boy was crying himself to sleep every night because of the pain, the debilitating side-effects of the meds he was on, and feelings of depression and hopelessness.

Deciding enough is enough, Billy’s parents started researching alternative and more natural forms of treatment, and came across the stories of children such as Charlotte, Cooper and Alfie.

Realising that there is a ton of both anecdotal and scientific evidence for CBD treating neurological diseases effectively in children, they decided to ask Billy’s doctors about using CBD for Billy… They were met with ridicule and told that:

“Well… whether you try the legal route or the illegal route, we cannot help or advise you in any way”.

Billy’s dad even recalls that one consultant started giggling, “…as if CBD isn’t something to be taken seriously. As if the moment she heard the word, she instantly thought of getting high, rather than it being a legitimate medicine…”.

And THIS is the problem…


There are thousands of parents facing this type of resistance on a daily basis. Thousands of parents who are being forced to go this road alone. Thousands of parents who have to try and figure out the ins and outs of treating their kids with medical cannabis or full-spectrum CBD, WITHOUT the support, guidance or help from the same people that are supposed to be helping their children.

Thousands of parents who have to treat their children in secret because we live in a system that threatens to remove children from parents who treat their kids with medical cannabis or full-spectrum CBD. A system that criminalizes parents for doing what they feel they need to do for their kids… Parents who want nothing more but to help their kids live vibrant, pain-free and happy lives.

Everyday there are thousands of parents who are forced to go up against a medical and pharmaceutical fraternity that seem to be less interested in helping, treating and healing, than it is in making money and keeping the status quo…

There are thousands of kids and parents that not only have to fight the daily struggles of having to deal with the painful and exhausting symptoms of illness AND the often debilitating side effects of prescription medicines, but who ALSO have to fight a medical system that stigmatizes parents willing to explore medical cannabis or full-spectrum CBD as a treatment option.

A safer, kinder treatment option that have shown to help kids get better…


Billy is a cannabis kid. A real boy with real hopes and dreams. A boy with a real future. A boy that deserves to bloom and flourish and chase his dreams. A real boy who should be able to do so without having to fear for his parents, or running the risk of being taken away from the only two people who are doing what needs to be done to give him his life back.

Billy is one of many other cannabis kids that are seeing almost immediate improvements in their conditions after using medical cannabis or full-spectrum CBD, but who can’t share their stories. Cannabis kids that are forced to stay anonymous because of political agendas and uncaring laws that are helped along by propaganda machines that dismiss the obvious medicinal benefits of medical cannabis or full-spectrum CBD.

Anonymous cannabis kids that are getting their lives back because their parents are risking everything they have, doing what they have to do for their kids.

These cannabis kids might be anonymous. But just like Billy, they too are real children. Real children with real lives, real hopes and real dreams… Real children with real parents that deserve better than what our current legal and medical systems are willing to offer them.


Despite the giggles, and the stigmatization, and the lack of support from Billy’s medical team, Billy’s parents persevered and started giving Billy a particular type of full-spectrum CBD oil.

Almost immediately they started seeing fantastic results. Billy’s appetite improved and he gained some weight. And not having to deal with the constant and excruciating pain, Billy started becoming happier, brighter and more positive — now being able to handle his condition better.

Billy got his life back, flourishing, moving towards a future that he wouldn’t have had without his parents’ brave decision to go against the odds and treat their boy with full-spectrum CBD.

It’s unfortunate that these anonymous cannabis kids and their parents are the casualties in the fight to legitimizing medical cannabis and full-spectrum CBD as medicine and legalizing its use.

But to me, they are also the unsung heroes, the nameless, silent and silenced majority who aren’t sitting back, waiting and begging for permission from a system that doesn’t seem to care about them.

Parents who are doing what they know is morally right for their sons and daughters despite the risks.


Lieze, is the founder of LBC3 Marketing, a leading content marketing and copywriting consultancy, working exclusively in the cannabis industry.

Using everything she’s learned over the years, she use a unique blend of psychological profiling techniques, tried-and-true content marketing and copywriting strategies, as well as Medical Cannabis and CBD industry experience, to help her clients get strategic about their Content Marketing and Copywriting.

If you’re ready to see the impact a strategic Content Marketing plan and well-crafted Copywriting can do for you and your cannabis business, take that first step, contact her here for a free consultation.



Lieze Boshoff | LBC3 Marketing

Lieze Boshoff (B.Psych, M.SC (HCN)) is the founder of LBC3 Marketing, a content marketing agency with 5+ years of exclusive Cannabis | CBD industry experience